Data pipelines

In this project, a pipeline refers to a process that takes a Target and a list of DataProduct objects as inputs, performs some process on the data (which are usually FITS files), and produces some outputs. A process refers to an instance of a pipeline for a particular target and set of input files.

Processes are run by selecting a number of data products on the target data page in tom_education, and selecting the pipeline to run. Processes run asynchronously, and a separate page shows the status and log output as it progresses.

On completion, outputs from a process are saved in the TOM as either DataProduct or ReducedDatum objects. See the section below on Saving outputs for more details.

Defining a pipeline

Pipelines are defined by creating a sub-class of tom_education.models.PipelineProcess somewhere within your project, and referencing them from, e.g:

    # name: pipeline class. The name will be shown in the UI
    'My pipeline': 'my_project.pipelines.MyPipeline'

The following class serves as a minimal example showing the methods that must be defined.

from tom_dataproducts.models import DataProduct, ReducedDatum
from tom_education.models import PipelineProcess, PipelineOutput

class ExamplePipelineProcess(PipelineProcess):
    # Label used as a prefix for names of generated data products
    short_name = 'example'

    # Optional list of suffixes for input files. The process will fail if
    # trying to run with files that do not end in one of these suffixes.
    allowed_suffixes = ['.fits', '.fz']

    # Make this a proxy: we do not want this to be a concrete model (which
    # would use a separate DB table and require migrations)
    class Meta:
        proxy = True
        # app label is required if this class is defined outside of an app
        # listed in INSTALLED_APPS
        app_label = 'myapp'

    def do_pipeline(self, tmpdir):
        This method does the actual work.

        ``tmpdir`` is ``pathlib.Path`` object for a temporary directory which can
        be used to write outputs and other temporary files.

        This method will return a sequence of PipelineOutput objects (or
        tuples) for the output files that should be saved in the TOM.
        # The ``Target`` object is available as ````
        ra =
        dec =

        # The input files are available as ``self.input_files``. This is a Django
        # ``ManyRelatedManager`` object of ``DataProduct`` objects: use
        # ``self.input_files.all()`` to get the inputs as a list.
        for product in self.input_files.all():
            path =
            # Do something with file...

        # Create some output files
        outcsv = tmpdir / 'my_output.csv'
        outcsv.write_text('data here')
        outpng = tmpdir / 'anther_output.png'
        outpng.write_bytes(b'PNG data here')

        return [
            PipelineOutput(path=outcsv, output_type=ReducedDatum),
            (outpng, DataProduct)  # Can output a tuple instead of PipelineOutput

Saving Outputs

Outputs are saved in the TOM as either DataProduct or ReducedDatum; the definition of these models can be found in the tom_dataproducts source code.

DataProduct objects have a file field which can store arbitrary files. This can be used for binary files such as FITS files and other images.

A ReducedDatum object represents a single piece of ‘reduced’ data, and stores the value as a free-form text field. This can be used for text outputs such as CSV, and plain text files.

To specify which output type should be used for each file, the do_pipeline() method of a PipelineProcess class should return a list of PipelineOutput objects (or tuples from which a PipelineOutput can be instantiated). PipelineOutput is a namedtuple class with the following fields

  • path: A pathlib.Path object for the file to save
  • output_type: Either DataProduct or ReducedDatum
  • tag: (Optional) A string value to use for the tag field for DataProduct objects or data_type field for ReducedDatum.

If at least one DataProduct output is produced, a new DataProductGroup is created to hold these products.


To stop a process and mark it as a failure, raise a tom_education.models.AsyncError exception:

from tom_education.models import AsyncError

class MyPipeline(PipelineProcess):
    def do_pipeline(self, tmpdir):
        raise AsyncError('Something went terribly wrong')

This will set the status field of the process to tom_education.models.ASYNC_STATUS_FAILED, and the given error message will be shown in the UI.

Status updates

For long-running pipelines, or ones with several steps, it may be useful to set the status of a process as it progresses. For this, a PipelineProcess has a status field which can be set to any string value. The PipelineProcess must be saved after the status is changed with This status will be shown and updated in the UI on the page for the process.

To prevent repetition in the code when updating the status, performing some task and saving, a context manager self.update_status is available:

def do_pipeline(self, tmpdir):
    with self.update_status('Doing the first thing'):
        # do something

    with self.update_status('Done that - now doing the second thing')
        # do something else

On successful completion of the process (that is, if do_pipeline() finishes without raising a AsyncError), the status is set to tom_education.models.ASYNC_STATUS_CREATED.

Log output

More granular updates can be given by logging messages with self.log():

def do_pipeline(self, tmpdir):
    with self.update_status('Doing something important'):
        self.log('first sub-step')
        self.log('second sub-step')

Log output is also shown in the UI on the page for a process.


Pipelines may be parametrised by a number of boolean parameters (‘flags’), whose values are selected by the user when the process is scheduled and passed as keyword arguments to the do_pipeline() method. To define flags, set the flags attribute on the pipeline class:

class FlagDemo(PipelineProcess):
    # ``flags`` is a dictionary that maps flag names to their default values and
    # long descriptions
    flags = {
        'some_flag': {'default': True, 'long_name': 'Long name to be displayed in the UI'},
        'another_flag': {'default': False, 'long_name': 'Another flag'}

    def do_pipeline(self, tmpdir, **flags):
        some_flag = flags.pop('some_flag')
        another_flag = flags.pop('another_flag')

Note that flag names should not contain whitespace.

Status and log page

The status and log output of a pipeline process can be viewed at /pipeline/<PK>. Log output is updated every second, and can be scrolled automatically. This page also provides links to the data product group containing outputs.
